Email: michael@standen.link
Phone: 0212530730
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
GitHub: github.com/ScreamingHawk
Co-author of ERC-5189, a flexible alternative to ERC-4337 account abstraction
Develop ERC-1155 and ERC-721 wrappers for Niftyswap enabling ‘floor’ trading
Develop Horizon’s contract library for the Sequence Builder, a tool for creating and managing on chain ecosystems
Develop deployment and verification pipeline that ensures consistency of contracts deployed to multiple networks
Fully design and develop ‘ASM AI Protocol’, an on chain decentralised AI training protocol
Exploration of tokenomics and game theory for $ASTO experiences
Development of Paddi, an AI training game based on Atari’s Pong
Development of Futureverse Wallet (working title), an on chain granular permission abstract account for the Root Network
Fully develop and manage technical aspects behind several NFT projects
Design, build and maintain Web3 enabled marketplace for staked NFT redemptions
Develop the first ERC-20 / 1155 exchange contract on Ethereum
Port ERC-20 / 1155 exchange contract to Cairo for use on Starknet
Provide technical oversight, analysis and direction for burgeoning start up
Design and integrate Auth0 proof of concept at New Zealand’s largest payment processing company
Full stack web development for multiple projects of national audiences using a plethora of languages, tools and frameworks
Technical leadership and mentoring of development teams while balancing requirements from business, architecture and security teams
Development and enforcement of coding standards, version control and continuous integration and deployment pipelines
Design and implemention of web application enabling loan applications at high profile New Zealand finance company
Implementation of identity and access management micro service at New Zealand’s largest payment processing company
Implementation of API for stock management and ticket printing across over 250 supermarkets saving more than 2000 person hours a week
Development and integration of AWS Lex AI chat bot to increase customer engagement
Detailed estimations based on high level functional requirements for projects spanning over 6 months
Analysis and implementation of various tools and frameworks for nation wide projects, both existing and green fields
Experiences in methodologies ranging from strict gated corporate waterfall to agile scrum development teams
Popular frameworks: ReactJS, Typescript, Web3 DApps
Pure web technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Pre-processed languages: Markdown, Sass, Coffeescript
Solidity: 2 years corporate and private experience. Designing and developing contracts to support ERC-20 / 721 / 1155, exchanges, and on chain gaming
NodeJS: 6+ years corporate and private experience. Javascript frameworks are my personal favourite
Go: 6 months corporate. Writing high performant peer to peer applications
Cairo: 3 months private experience. Porting Solidity contracts for Starknet
Python: 5+ years corporate and private experience. Python is my go to language for rapid development
Java: 8+ years corporate and educational experience. Java is the preferred language for corporate web applications
MySQL: 5+ years corporate experience. Database design and administration
Express: Backend and API framework for national supermarket brand and Web3 dapps
Spring MVC and Spring Boot: Web portals and micro services for leading New Zealand finance, payments and electricity companies
Django: Backend system for advertisement service visible on leading news websites
Wordpress, WooCommerce, Symphony: Hacking temporary and legacy systems
EVM / Ethereum: Development and integration of smart contracts
Amazon Web Services: Certified Developer and Solutions Architect to the Associate level
Salesforce: Trailhead Ranger. Development on platform and integration
Linux: Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Debian, Fedora. Preferred development environment
Android: Personal development
Certified to the Associate level
Certified to the Associate level
Graduated with Honours
Ported a Java based functional programming language, SystemJ, to Lego NXT robots
Artificial intellegence projects utlising swarm robotics and MLP networks
Full academic transcript available on request
2018 - Elttam Professional Hacker training course
Ethereum and blockchain
AI content creation (text and images)
Bouldering and running
Spending time with the family