Using photogrammetry to create 3D models.
Using 3D printing to solve problems.
An innovative approach to event and error management.
A proactive programmer embraces AI for future growth.
How I created and sold out an NFT project from...
Instructions for dealing with my digital assets when I'm gone...
Michael Standen records one post a day for as long...
Quick thought on why I prefer async / turn based...
A simple interview question to determine how the candidate approaches...
A short self reflection about why I don't care.
Writing a Discord bot with Discord JS.
Continuous improvement and why goals are for losers.
You are what you repeatedly do.
Explaining my Git flow
The many reasons why tabs are better than spaces
Getting a Certificate from Let's Encrypt
The journey of migrating my website to an app.
Remotely control VLC on your PC.
An updated guide on how to get your Bitcoin private...
An Android application for saving files to your device.
Walkthrough for how to get Bitcoin Cash out of your...
Walkthrough for adding AdSense ads to a website.
How I got my app translated for free.
My findings with AWS Lex.
Step by step instructions for how to build a security...
A quick and easy to follow guide for installing PrestaShop...
Code walkthrough for the temporary file sharing service.
Architecture behind the temporary file sharing service.
Upload and share temporary files for free.
Why not to put all your eggs in one bucket....
Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.
Subscribe to weekly cat facts.
A simple slideshow app for your mobile.
A simple blog hosted in the cloud.
First post on a new website.